The fastest way to allow users to regain their comfort is acrylic dentures. All acrylic prostheses, whether partial or total, are produced in consideration of patient’s comfort and in accordance with dentist’s planning. Flexite dentures provide great comfort to the patient, while harder acrylic materials are preferred because of their durability and affordable cost.

DENTEK manufactures all types of acrylic dentures whether it includes telescopes, attachments, partial frameworks or it is just a partial or a total acrylic denture. Technicians, who have proven their experience at each step of the production, work to produce the best denture in terms of aesthetics and comfort by using the highest quality materials with appropriate color and form. Especially in denture types that require high harmony and coordination, such as combined prosthesis, aesthetic details are kept in the foreground and all processes are planned and followed one by one from the primary stage to the stage where the finished denture is achieved.