All cases are tracked in the laboratory through RFID tags on the boxes and RFID readers in the production areas. The collected data are compiled in the tracking software and reported. System checks that all jobs are within the relevant workstation on time.

Similarly to the RFID system, using the proximity cards on the case boxes and computers in the production area history data of a case can be obtained instantly through the system called HBS. All performed operations are recorded including the details such as operation name, case number, technician name, time and duration of the operation etc. The data are collected, evaluated and reported for performance evaluation and job tracking purposes.
All cases are checked by master technicians before they leave the laboratory. During the final check of the cases, if master technicians detect defects on the cases, they can assign predefined error codes to the cases through HBS control system interface. These error codes are also assigned to the technicians already worked on the case and these assignments are recorded and reported for performance monitoring purposes.

The basic materials used on the products are tracked end-to-end on a lot basis and reported to customers through a software developed by DENTEK. Thus, it is ensured that customers are sure about the quality of materials used.

All data collected within the company are reported and evaluated on Qlik Sense Business Intelligence software.
It is one of the most important instruments that DENTEK uses in continuous improvement studies to maintain quality and to monitor and increase productivity.

DENTEK lately has invested in a Business Process Management (BPM) software on electronic archiving and managing business processes. With this software, Dentek will effectively manage business processes as well as comply with international requirements regarding electronic archiving and security of information and personal data.